Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy 64th Birthday Papa...

Yesterday (25 May 2014) was my dad's 64th birthday.

I didn't come to his house. The reason: it was Sunday, his house is quite far from my house. If I went there, I will be too exhausted when I reached back home. While I have to work today.

I am not very happy about it. Actually, apart from that silly reason, my relation with him is not really that good. There are many quarells between us. Other than that, currently, I'm in a situation that I cannot spend too much money since I have to pay for my house credit.

Again...I'm still not happy about it :( . I realize, whatever reason I have will not be good enough to be stated as a reason for not showing up for his birthday. I mean, c'mon...tired? exhausted? work? no money? for your own Dad?  I'm sorry Pa..... ;(((

I wish and send zillions of prayers that you will always be given health by Allah SWT. We love you...

This is the picture from his last year's bday. That's my daughter, Yvette and his Eyang Kung. We brought him a bday cake.

When Eagerness Got Post-poned by Internet Cut-off

26 May 2014

I created this blog last Friday. I was so eager to write some more in during the weekend at home. You know what happened?? Internet connection was cut-off during those 2 days….aarrgghhh.

But then, that gave me some times to think of what I really want to write. Because I was actually still confuse where to start this writing thing from.

I’m a single parent, what interest me the most is actually about whatever happen with my one and only daughter. At first, I thought I want to write about her from the day she was born. But then….she’s 13th years old now….what am I going to write?? A novel? I don’t think so.

After this and that consideration, I gave up. I don’t find that a ‘planned writing’ should be that fun rather than just spit out whatever I have in mind.

So…, there! That’s just what I’m going to do. I might write about whatever current,  but I might as well go back to earlier years when I suddenly remember about something that I need to write… can be about future as well. 

And, while I'm in the mood of writing, I might post few writings within a day. 


Behind of "the longing' and all...

I mistakenly click 'revert to draft' :D. This is actually a writing from  last Friday.

23 May 2014

My life has been having some ups and downs....well...who doesn't, right??

Yet somehow, I'm that kind of person who love to capture and note things down. It's not necessarily all about my self though. It can be about my daughter, or things I saw on the street, or movie line, or what happened in the office.

I just got amazed about too many things in too many times. Some times I see things like I only see it for the first times. You just can buy the feeling of it.

When I captured or noted about something, I usually post them as a status on my social media, which then, many comments appeared on my status.

Until one day, one of my friend encouraged me to 'write'...yes..."write' !! . He said that he's been following my socmed for sometime, and thinks that whatever I wrote tend to be an eye-catching one.

And there's another friend who said "why don't you write a novel about the relation about you and your daughter?. Rather than you just post it in the socmed."

My reaction...of course... "WHAATT??? Writeee?? Novell?? . I cannot do that!!" (although I actually want it :P )

And there's another friend of mine asked, "what do you have in mind when you heard of word write? what makes you said you cannot?. You've been reading too many good and thick books Astrid!. When you want to start writing, you don't need to think about those books or other long well-spoken articles, you just spit-out whatever you have in mind. Those status you wrote in your socmed are some samples. It's you, it's about whatever you have in your life. You just need to start from there."

And if you think I am right away do the writing, you're wrong my friend!! It took me quite sometimes until now, really writing things in a blog.

Well, let's see.